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I want to share the text below as it reflects my dedication to truth and honesty in politics, integrity in politics and life, as well as my commitment to a better Clacton and Britain.


Many have questioned why I chose to appear on the ballot in Clacton. Here's some assurances given  that transpired during my conversation with Nigel Farage on June 3rd. Nigel requested that I issue a statement endorsing him and tagged me in a social media post.

During our conversation, Nigel made several pledges:

1. Nigel vowed that all of my team and campaign expenditures up until June 3rd would be fully refunded, asserting, "You bet every penny."

2. He guaranteed that I and my team would play a significant role in the campaign, assuring us we would have "a very big role."

3. Nigel also committed to providing me with a salaried position at the top of the constituency following the election, stating, "You will have a job, absolutely at the top of that, a salaried job as well." He further assured me that my team would have a substantial role in the campaign and that everything would be compensated.

4. The party was to defend me against malicious online allegations, and Nigel said, "Right, I will make a public statement to that effect tomorrow" (June 4th).

This is some verbatim dialogue from my conversation with Nigel Farage on the evening of June 3rd with other members of my team. I have recorded all of these pledges. "From the 'man of his word, an honorable man'." None of these commitments were honored, and in fact, it is now my belief that none of these "promises" Nigel Farage tagged in post words were intended to be fulfilled.

Within 24 hours of my statement of support, I was excluded from my party and the campaign I was NEVER a part of. It is now being managed by existing Tendring District Council councillors who were never part of Reform UK until last week. The party is now unrecognisable to me under our new leader.

I am passionate about truth and honesty in politics, integrity in politics and life. I am dedicated to a better Clacton and Britain. 🇬🇧
Tony Mack






First of all, I wish to thank all my Reform UK colleagues for their messages of support and wish them nothing but the best in the forthcoming general election.
I no longer recognise my party in the last few weeks and fear for its existence going forward under its new leadership.
Let's clear something up first: I never left Reform, Reform left ME.
As far as I know, I am still a member (sponsor, donor) until next week.
Nigel Farage has quite a long and very public history of changing his mind at the last minute. From my personal experience, and unkept assurances and promises, it is clear to me that Nigel has no genuine interest in Clacton or Britain, he is more interested in his own ambitions.
As recently as a few weeks ago, Nigel is on record as being willing to abandon Britain for the global stage with Donald Trump. What changed ? Was it the events in America on May 31st ?
Who knows, but that is when the plans for Reform UK in Clacton changed.

The planned bus action day which was scheduled for Monday the 3rd of June for Tony Mack was postponed. That afternoon, at approximately 3.20pm, I received a phone call from Nigel Farage thanking me for standing aside! This was the first I heard, just before the national press conference at 4.00. I told Nigel that I was extremely unhappy with the decision and he said to me that he had been told that I would be happy to stand down for him. I replied that I had said that in January, but now, after six months of campaigning, it was no longer the case and this was well known within the party. Nigel phoned me that evening and agreed that my campaign expenses to that point would be refunded, "every penny" being his exact words. He agreed that I and my team would have a major role in his campaign and that I would have a salaried position in the constituency office if he was successful. These proved to be empty promises, designed to get me to endorse him on the Tuesday the 4th. His agent, Peter Harris, and the two TDC councillors (Jeff Bray and Richard Everett) on Nigel's campaign team, had no intention of including me in the campaign. I made every effort to resolve the situation prior to putting my nomination paper in on Friday the 7th as an independent. I did this as I honestly believe I am the best man to represent Clacton in Westminster. 

Is it in the best interest of Reform UK to merge into the conservative establishment? I don't believe so, do you? It is not in the best interests of Clacton to have the same old councillors responsible for the decline of our constituency running it for the next 5 years in Nigel's stead.
What happened to "truth in politics"? "Honesty in politics"? "Honest politics for the people of Britain that I thought Reform UK stood for?
Nigel himself has questioned "Do I want to spend every Friday for the next 5 years in Clacton?"

I and my team of devoted people who built Reform UK in Clacton were promised a very big role in Clacton, making sure honest truth and the ordinary people were heard if i backed Farage; but just a few hours after securing a statement of support, I and my team were cut out of everything, literally excommunicated by Reform UK and the campaign team. Is this the honest, truthful politics for the ordinary people? Not for Clacton and certainly not for Britain.

If you still believe in democracy, who do you vote for in Clacton? If you vote for Nigel Farage in Clacton and he is elected, I fear Reform UK will be absorbed into the Conservative party, leading to the same dysfunctional politics we have had for the last decade or so. There really is only one vote for Clacton and its people. Labour will not win . The conservatives have destroyed Britain, so who do you vote for?

TONY MACK for Clacton
Integrity vs Celebrity, that is why I stood for Clacton and democracy.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"
~ Albert Einstein ~

Do the right thing
Vote Tony Mack for Clacton
July 4th 2024















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